Updating the website has been a little on the back burner of late – just lots happening but we’ve been busying away – as usual. But, we think we have some really exciting news – Trinity St Davids, Lampeter has been in discussion with WARM and RecoverED to explore what a bespoke pathway onto undergraduate study might look like for those potential students who we might call the ‘hard-to-reach’. This will be for those traditionally excluded from study because institutions usually place significant barriers to engagement. So, for us, this will be those who might have experienced mental distress, been socially isolated – or might never have thought such opportunities were for them.
This is really exciting because the University of Wales, Trinity St Davids (Lampeter Campus) is really forward thinking in terms of how they will adapt their study options to suit – and not the other way around – and this is the first time such an opportunity has materialised for us. They can see what the potential of working with WARM and ReoverED offers in terms of advising and developing what such pathways might look like. There’s lots of detail to explore just yet – but the opportunity is an exciting one and we’ll keep you posted.